This information is provided to assist in having your vehicle repaired as soon as possible and to assist your insurer when the cost of your repairs are the responsibility of another party involved in the accident.
It also aims to assist you in the preparation of your own insurance claim.
Ensure your own safety and the safety of others and the vehicle. Call 000 if emergency assistance is required.
Comply with any police directions.
Do not admit any liability.
If another vehicle or person has been involved in the accident you need to obtain:
The vehicle owner's name, address and telephone number
The vehicle driver's name, address, telephone number and drivers licence number
Details of the owner's insurance
Make, type and registration number of the vehicle
Name, address and telephone number of any witnesses
Please contact our emergency towing operator on 0499600300 for instant assistance 24 hours a day
Fill out our emergency 24 hour response guide and Gabba Collision Repair Centre will be able to assist you
Call your insurer on their claims number:
Request Gabba Collision Repair Centre to be your preferred repairer
Have your policy number, vehicle make, type and registration number at hand. The operator will talk you through the claim process and request further details as required. They will also advise you of your rights and their general procedures
Your insurer will manage the repair process and ensure the claim is handled efficiently
If you do not have a mobile phone, call your insurer as soon as possible after the accident
If you have a camera/phone camera take photographs of the accident to support any claim.
If your vehicle is not drivable pleaseclick here- "Emergency 24hour response for all accident recoveries"
Link to PDF file of above plus form to fill in details of accident - to be printed off and kept in glove box.
Call us on (07) 3391 3052
to find out more about our services and how we can help you get back on the road quickly!
Address : 15 Wellington Rd, East Brisbane QLD 4169, Australia